Extraits de "Grozny: Nine Cities"
@ Olga Kravets, Maria Morina et Oksana Yushko
@ Olga Kravets, Maria Morina et Oksana Yushko
Porté depuis 3 ans par les photographes Olga
Kravets, Maria Morina et Oksana Yushko, Grozny : Nine Cities est le portait
hybride de la ville de Grozny au lendemain des deux guerres civiles tchétchènes, par-delà sa façade officiellement lisse.
First City is the city that has ceased to exist – memory of the city that was
burned down.
Second City is the city of war — terrorist attacks and violence as a kind of
background noise for locals.
Third City is the city of religion. Chechnya under Kadyrov is undergoing total
Fourth City is the city of women. With the collapse of all the values after
wars, they have to find again their role in the society.
Fifth City is the city of men, their visual appearance and role in the society.
Sixth City is the city of the nation’s servants, and the cult of personality of
the President of Chechnya.
Seventh City is the city of oil production.
Eighth City is the city of strangers in a mono-ethnic society, e.g. ethnic
Ninth City is the city of ordinary people and their passion for normalcy after
15 years of war.
Olga Kravets, Maria Morina, and Oksana Yushko
Déjà présenté sous forme d’exposition photo et d’installation vidéo, notamment au Berlin Fotofestival 2013, le projet a été récompensé en 2011 aux Lens Culture International Exposure Awards dans la catégorie Multimedia.
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