vendredi 4 novembre 2016

Daniel Rodrigues

 Daniel Rodrigues © Football in Brazil

 Daniel Rodrigues © Awa Guadja

Daniel Rodrigues © The iron train

Photographe Portugais né en 1987 et installé depuis 10 ans près de Porto, Dominique Rodrigues travaille pour la presse internationale. Ses grandes séries photographiques saisies aux quatre coins du monde (du Brésil à la forêt amazonienne, en passant par la Mauritanie ou Istanbul) se composent d'images à la fois douces, belles et sans fard, résolument ancrées dans leur réalité. 

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Football in Brazil
Controversies and protests against the excesses spent for holding the World Cup in 2014 did not shake the faith of the Brazilian in soccer equality between classes. When there is a ball, there is no age, gender, social status or land that crashes whatever has born at those legs. The obvious inequalities between rich and poor fade with an emotional cry of goal. Even away from the stage and the spotlight, here the score grows with the purity of the game that we can see daily in fields of mud, slums, dilapidated buildings, on the beach overlooking by the Christ the Redeemer. It is the faith in the division of cleats, in the mended balls that continues to fill world's imaginary with the visceral relationship between the Brazilian and soccer. In the name of the father, the son and the spirit of football. Amen.

Awa Guaja
The Awa indigenous tribe lives in the Amazon Rainforest in the Brazilian state of Maranhão, divided into four villages: Awa, Tiracambú, Juriti and Guajá. A total of 400 people living as close as possible to the purity of its origins. The hunting days are long, but do not spare anyone: today, children and women also head the expedition through the dense forest. Here there is no certain age (the last of these families was discovered less than ten years ago), only the day-to-day survival.
The help of the institutions responsible for its preservation leads to the community a few words in Portuguese, urban clothing and rare utensils for easy daily life. But the goal is to be an arm more in the fight against the increasing encroachment of loggers in search of the most precious of the Amazon forest, the trees that give it the surname: The Lung of the Earth.

The Iron Train
The Iron Train is one of the longest train in the world, the train is about 2.5 km. A journey that goes from Nouadhibouh to Zouerate (Mauritania), totaling 652 km in the middle of the Sahara desert that lasts about 20 hours. An epic journey where residents, poor and penniless use dangerous train to visit relatives in the homeland or carrying goods such as live animals. High temperatures during the day and very low temperatures during the night makes the journey is not easy. But the worst is the dust that is produced by wagons full of iron minerals that come from a mine 30km Zouarate to be unloaded cargo boats in the port of Nouadhibouh.

mardi 9 février 2016

Matthieu Venot

© Matthieu Venot

Photographe autodidacte vivant à Brest en France.